Thursday, June 5, 2014

Budget kitchen cabinets: A brief guide

Kitchen cabinet construction and installation shouldn’t be a cause to break the bank; there are lots of less expensive cabinet choices available thanks to economical furniture design and cheaper building materials. Before buying anything, though, it is best to consider one’s options. 
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The first thing to do is to determine the type of cabinet design that best fits the kitchen. Is the kitchen predominantly wood-based? Is it made up of stone and granite? Does it follow a classic design style, or is it a bit more modern? This is primarily an aesthetic exercise, but it can also help the installer determine what types of material to be used, and whether less expensive versions are available. 

The next thing to consider is whether one should use stock cabinet designs or opt for customized ones. Obviously, stock designs are cheaper, but nowadays many cabinet makers offer custom-made cabinets that are inexpensive enough to fit within tight budgets. This is a viable option as well, since custom cabinets look and fit better in kitchens. 
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 Last but not least is the installation itself. While owners can just install the cabinets themselves, it is recommended to seek professional installers to ensure a sturdy, high-quality finish. It can seem a more expensive option initially, but professionally installed cabinets last longer and are less prone to costly lapses later on.

Frank LaMark, a cabinetry professional, has been in the industry for the past ten years. Check out his website for additional tips on how to purchase and install kitchen cabinets.